Sunday, January 27, 2013

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

by Tom

I can tell when I’ve settled into the new year when I no longer have to erase the “2” and replace it with a “3.”  It used to be a problem, until I took to using a mechanical pencil.  But that’s another story.  Today’s story…some thoughts on where we’ve been and where we’re going.

You already know the bad news.  Life is something of a juggling act.  At times you must cut back or risk dropping everything. So it is with our friend Margaret Helthaler.  We will miss her cheerful participation, wise advice, and her incredibly beautiful work.

It’s been a year since we became a “Gallery without Walls.”  This new beginning, a re-invention of ourselves, has been an exciting process. We are a diverse group, all from different backgrounds, all taking different approaches to our craft and working in very different media. But during the year, as we created a website, planned and participated in events, our differences blended into the background and our group pulled together as one.  The impossible was made possible.  Technical challenges, deadlines, and the physical tasks of setting up, sitting, and taking down exhibits were made much less daunting by the caring participation of the group.

Our schedule for the coming year is still being planned.  We have applied to a number of shows and are waiting for notification of acceptance.  As we receive confirmation, look for changes on our events page!  Many thanks to our friends for your support in 2012.  We look forward to seeing you again in the coming year.

Our booth at last year's Bethel  Woods Fall Harvest Festival

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Changes in the New Year...

A Message From Margaret...

The beginning of a new year is a good time for artists to refocus their direction and reaffirm their goals. For me the coming year will entail helping my son prepare to enter college in the fall, helping my daughter navigate the tumultuous early teens, settling into a new position as an Assistant Online Program Director with the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division, as well the daily minutiae associated with my roles as a wife, mother, educator and artist. As such, I’ve had to take stock in the realities of how much one can truly accomplish on any given day and it is with regret that I have decided to leave the Catskill Artist Gallery. I will of course continue to post my Morning Meanderings and participate in select gallery shows (I have been invited to participate in the DVAA Be Mine Forever show scheduled for the end of this month), but in fairness to my associates in the CAG I cannot commit the time and effort a group like ours both warrants and deserves.

I’d like to express my gratitude to Buff, Kathy, Hank, Nada, Cate, Tom and Robert for their support and encouragement over the years. I enjoyed playing an active role in our transition from a bricks and mortar location to a gallery without walls. While I am stepping away from my official relationship with CAG, I have no intention of losing the connection I have with these fine artists. I wish them much success in the coming year.

12.13.12 Passages • © Margaret Helthaler