Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Solstice

by Tom

Are you ready for tomorrow?  The Summer Solstice!  The first day of summer, and the longest day of the year.  In my neck of the woods, the sun will rise at 5:25 and set at 8:34.   All that time to enjoy!  I’ll probably go out early with my camera, get home in time for breakfast, and mow the lawn before things heat up.  I’m not sure about the rest of the day.  No matter, I have 15 hours and 9 minutes of sunlight to think it over with!  What are your plans?  Here’s a photo of Ten Mile River, taken last Saturday morning after a night of rain. This weekend, the mountain laurel should be in bloom.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Happy Season! Nada Clyne

Finally, we are surrounded by green and a profusion of blooming flowers!  The bumble bees are buzzing and butterflies are feasting on nectar.  The happiness of this season is so palpable, isn't it?

The Catskill Artists Gallery had a wonderful show in New Paltz, where many folks we knew stopped by our 45 foot space, chatted and purchased our new work.  We also met new people; one person was a beautiful chef from New York who fell in love with Tom Keleman's photographs and bought a piece for her new apartment.  It's always great to see those artistic connections made!

I'm working on some of these 12 square pieces that attempt to capture my love of nature.  I enjoy small formats - they keep me focussed and allow me to work with resin in new and creative ways. This piece has gold leaf as a background with flowers and butterflies from our garden in a fanciful collage.

We'll be showing throughout the summer in various locations.  Do stop by The Green Door in Liberty New York for our art exhibit Water.  It will be fun to see how each one in our group approaches this topic in their own media.

The Opening Reception will be July 12 from 2-5 pm.  Green Door is located at 34 South Main Street in Liberty, NY.  The show is from July 10 - 27.   See you there!