The Pond Eddy bridge, sans tubers
I enjoy exploring and taking photographs year round. Every season is special in its own way, and I’m hard pressed to pick a favorite time for beautiful subjects. But when it comes to comfort and convenience, summer is the best. The obvious advantage over the other seasons is the warm weather. No need to scrape my windshield and warm up the car, just start ‘er up, roll down the window and go! There are no snow drifts to sink into, snowbanks to climb over, and no painfully numb fingers from manipulating a metal tripod or fumbling with tiny camera buttons. Sometimes the very best spot to capture a waterscape is not at the edge of a river or lake, but a few feet out into the water. When you’ve taken great pains to be at the perfect spot at the perfect moment, are you going to let a few feet of water get in your way? In spring or fall, I carry along an extra pair of shoes for such occasions, but in the summer such sacrifices are instead a pleasure, when you can strip down to bare feet and wade out to your knees with ease. My favorite time of day is early morning, when the sun starts its climb into the sky. The lighting is often quite dramatic. Here again summer has its advantages. The days are longest, and sunrise right now is about 5:30. So I have beautiful light very early, when there are no people, tubes, kayaks or cars to get in the way. It’s easy to share a river when everyone else is curled up in their beds or sleeping bags! By Tom